Sunday, April 25, 2010

20 April 10

20 April 10

Thank God for His grace, his wisdom and guidance. I was randomly surfing for seizures related stuff and stumbled upon an article on the use of sodium valproate (the med we are cutting) on children. The article mentioned the drug interaction between sodium valproate and phenobaritone (another anti-convulsant med Charlene is on). Phenobabitone will reduce the effectiveness of sodium valproate. And we were feeding Charlene both med together at the same timing. So though we gave her 0.5ml of sodium valproate, its effects might be totally cancelled out by phenobarbitone. Basically, the doc only tell us to cut sodium valproate to twice a day but didn't say the timing so we conveniently put it at 8am and 8pm with all the rest of the med.

So we changed the timing for sodium valproate and it seems to work. The number of episodes decreased to 4 times.

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