Thursday, September 12, 2013

Faith and Reason (Dez)

One thing that scares and worries me, is the tendency for youths to dichotomize faith and reason. I have seen youths declaring that "those who believe in God are irrational and stupid!".

A theologian professor, Arthur McGrath, talks about his personal experience: "On several occasions I've been earnestly told by New Atheist foot soldiers that I have no business being a professor in a leading British university. After all, they inform me, I believe in God and am therefore stupid, evil and mentally unstable. I ought to be locked up for the public good."

The dichotomy between faith and reason is not as clear cut as the new atheists like to think. All reason requires some basic assumptions, which the assumptions are accepted "by faith". All good faith should examined the evidences, so that the faith becomes stronger.

An atheist philosopher Keith M. Pardons commented that 'a dichotomy between faith and evidence is grossly simplistic. Faith need not be blind and science is not always quite as evidence-driven as simplistic stereotypes imply.'

J.P. Moreland explains the relationship between faith and reason clearly:
"The essence of faith - biblical or otherwise - is confidence or trust, and one can have faith in a thing (such as a chair) or person (such as a parent, the president, or God), and one can have faith in the truth of a proposition...

When trust is directed towards a person/ thing, it is called 'faith in'; when it is directed towards the truth of a proposition, it is called 'faith that'...

It is a great misunderstanding of faith to oppose it to reason or knowledge. Nothing could be further from the truth. In actual fact, faith - confidence, trust - is rooted in knowledge. "

Moreland concluded that faith is 'a trust in and commitment to what we have reason to believe is true'.

I believe it's important for us to examine our faith, and to have a ready testimony to share with others WHY we believe in Jesus Christ. Explain to people, youths or adults, that there is a rational basis why we are Christians.

One of my fave verse: 1 Pet 3:15. "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect"

* Note: the quotes are obtained from this book "C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists", written by Peter S. Williams. A very good book, with lots of resources and references. Recommended to those apologetics at heart (like me ^_^v)

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