Saturday, January 23, 2010

23 Jan 10

23 Jan 10
The doctors attributed the super-frowns mainly to reflux and didn’t say anything much. We formed a few hypotheses ourselves; feeding tube is bigger which caused more throat irritation or reflux is causing more damage or Charlene’s swallowing has regressed, she cannot swallow her salivia, causing more phlegm to accumulate or she’s irritated.

In the hospital, Dez prayed to the Lord that the Holy Spirit be with Charlene and to chase away the evil spirits inside her. For a few moments, she seems to be responding well and could control her super frown. But after that, she has another episode and the nurse suctioned her. All of a sudden during the suction, Charlene coughed out 2 large mass of gooey milky-white phlegm. That shocked us because the nurse has been doing suction the whole day and couldn’t get the phlegm out. Dez felt that the Holy Spirit is chasing away the evil spirit residing in Charlene and hence she coughed out the phlegm.

The nurse also taught us how to do hands and legs exercises for Charlene. She seemed to enjoy the exercise and is alert. But she tires out after 30 mins of simulation and falls into a deep sleep.

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