Sunday, July 21, 2013


We visited Charlene's niche before we went to little Nathan's funeral service.

We bought a bookmark with the name "Charlene - A Women of the Lord", and use blue-tag to keep it in place. This way, it will be easy for people to recognise the niche.

Right now, we have the bookmark (probably more appropriate to call it a name-tag), the wind-mill and the carebear beside the niche.

The carebear was given by my 2 friends during Charlene's wake. The carebear was actually presented as a bouquet of flowers; we left the flowers there after the funeral service. Since the flowers have witted, we had removed the flowers but kept the carebear there.

We found out later that our friends chose the rainbow carebear, because they felt that Charlene was like a beautiful rainbow that braved the storm.

How appropriate that the best memories I had with Charlene was in Rainbow school.

Sometime back, Dez wrote an email letter to Rainbow Centre giving our thanks to the school. The executive director replied to the email:

"We are inspired by your positive acceptance of Charlene's passing and taking time to share your appreciation of my colleagues' care and love for her. We are touched by your advocacy for more support for EIPIC.

We will continue to do our best to make a difference in the lives of those we serve, and we are blessed to have the opportunity to work with you and Charlene. "

We pray that Rainbow school continues to have dedicated teachers to make a difference to the special needs kids. Just like how the rainbow glows after a storm, bringing smiles to those who see it, and making a lasting impact in their hearts.

We thank God that Charlene was our rainbow... though she has left us physically, the memories still brings smiles to our faces.

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