At 330am in the morning, a junior doctor came running out to the waiting area & informed us that Charlene heart stopped and they managed to revive her after 20 minutes of CPR. The 2 of us were so affected as we waited outside her ward speechless.
Meanwhile, God has been sending brothers and sisters in Christ non-stop. They include our church mates, the special mums support groups and even strangers to come and pray for Charlene and us.
One of my friend's friend (Deborah) heard about Charlene's condition and felt compelled to visit and pray for Charlene. That was my first time seeing her face to face. Deborah also brought a man along with her to pray, which i assumed is a pastor.
After praying for Charlene, the man asked Deborah to take down his number and update him on Charlene's condition. He said he will pray for Charlene 3x a day. Then he said something that stunned me and Deborah "Don't worry, I have not seen death on her (Charlene's) face. " He explained that he had seen death before, and know when the patient was dying or not; if the patient was dying, he would no longer pray for recovery but pray for other things instead.
After the man left, Deborah told me that the man was a stranger that she just met. She was talking to her maid in a taxi about Charlene's condition, when the taxi driver overheard the conversation. The taxi driver quoted her a Bible verse and asked for more details so that he can pray for Charlene. When the taxi reached NUH, Deborah asked the man whether he wanted to come along and pray for Charlene. The man readily agreed.
Deborah was as shocked by the man's parting words as I was. She kept apologising to me worried that the man's actions may have offended me. I reassured her that i'm ok.
When i recounted the story to Des, he was very touched by the man's actions and words. He felt that the man must be an angel sent by God to remind us to trust in him. We decided that we would give Charlene as much time she needs to recover.