Sunday, February 17, 2013

17 Feb 2013

It has been a difficult two weeks for the both of us. Charlene has been crying a lot and sleeping very little. At the same time, those obvious fits never appear again. However, there were instances where her left hand and leg stiffen and she would have a fearful look on her face. Perhaps those were fits. Also, a friend told us that Charlene might be experiencing spikes in her brain causing discomfort and hence the excessive crying.

We brought her to see the Nuh doctor to see if there was anything that could be done. The doctor gave us some sedative so that at least Charlene can sleep at night. With more sleep, there would be less chances of fits and she would be less grouchy as well. The new medication (lacmital) is in its 6 weeks, it needs another 6 weeks to take effect. Please pray that the new medication will be effective in controlling Charlene's fits completely without any side effects. Thank you!

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