Review of 2011
2011 has passed. The year has been a period of transition for our family, and indeed God is with us whenever we need Him. It's important for us to count our blessings because it cultivates a heart of thanksgiving, and gives us strength and hope for the year ahead. We thank God for the 8 important events in 2011.
1) Baptism (6 Jun 11). This was the most important event for our family... Baptism is an important ritual for all Christians as it signifies our re-birth with Jesus Christ working in us and through us. Though the event was a simple affair in a private swimming pool, the process wasn't easy as we have to brave through the storms, flood & nausea (Charlene's vomitting) to get to the place. But with God's blessings and with the help of our YMM brothers and sisters, we were able to get there on time. It was a joy to be singing with joy at the baptism ceremony, and with our parents and sibling (1 side of the family at least) to be supporting us for this event. Praise be to God!
2) Our New Home (16 Jun 11). From the renovation, purchasing of furniture, cleaning, shifting, unpacking and cleaning (again) the 2 of us did it mostly by ourselves. There is a huge change in lifestyle as we juggle between caring for Charlene (hospital therapy, going to rainbow school) and doing daily household chores. But thank God for giving us strength to continue this independence...!
3) Charlene's increasing awareness. We have noticed that Charlene is more aware of her surroundings now, which was shared by some of our cell-members who have been observing Charlene. Charlene makes a lot of coo-ing sounds now when she's upset or excited. We actually can check how awake she is from the intensity of her 'complains' after a bath; if she doesn't complain, it means that she's totally asleep and if she's making a lot of noise with flaying arms and legs, it means that she's fully awake! Charlene is also making some progress in her responsiveness. In 2010, she was able to smile when prompted. In 2011, she is able to make coo-ing sounds and raise her hands when prompted. Though all her responses are usually delayed and inconsistent, it still cheers us when she raise her hands to say hi to her daddy.
4) Therapy and more therapy. We thank God for opening up pathways to new therapy techniques. Frankly speaking, we don't have much energy to seek out new therapies for Charlene.... but God works through other ppl to help us in finding new therapists and techniques, like private physiotherapy (from the TV program 'I see you - A caregiver story') and Neurosuit training.
5) Family Bali Trip (4 Nov 11)! Our family went for an overseas trip in Bali! This would have seem impossible a year back... but God prompted us to give it a shot, and we managed it! The trip was smooth, with some minor inconsequential hiccups. Me and Des enjoyed the little walks and restaurants meals in Bali. With God, all things are possible!
6) Charlene's good health. Charlene has managed to stay healthy throughout the year. We only have to go to the hospital once, which is a huge reduction as compared to 2010. Sure, there are minor ailments throughout the year, but that's natural for normal babies. Charlene is now at a healthy weight of 12.1kg and 85cm. For the paltry amount of milk that she's drinking, she must have been sustained by God :)
7) Care and Concern. God has blessed us through the people around us. We have been receiving a lot of care and concern from our friends - church cell-group and friends. Our cell-group organised a house-warming gathering, Charlene's 2nd birthday party and various small social activities. Our friends came to visit us regularly, giving us a break from our normal routine. These visits are important to us as its not easy for us to bring Charlene out to other social functions.
8) Support from Friends. Besides TLC, many friends have supported us in more concrete manners. This include 'baby-sitting' Charlene when we are busy, providing free hair-cuts for Charlene, giving Charlene a life-time supply of birthday cakes, helping us buy overseas medical supplies, giving Charlene pretty clothes and toys, bringing Charlene and us out for a night ride... thank you all for your help! We are still trying to get a balance in our life... we promised to be better friends for all of you in 2012.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
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