Tuesday, March 9, 2010

9 Mar 10

9 Mar 10

Charlene had 1 super-frown episodes at around 4am. Both Dez and I were quite shocked. Dez thought that the episodes have been taken away already, but it is not to be.

The first day after Charlene's discharge. It was a very hectic day. Amidst the 2 hourly feeding (which includes preparing the milk, add in the medication, wash the syringes, changing diapers, etc), we still have to figure out the best logistics arrangement. Dez also have to cracked his brain thinking how best to teach his dad how to add in the medication. All this, on top of the sleep deprivation the night before.

In the end, Dez created a schedule of the medication list throughout the day, and have to translate it into mandarin for the benefit for his dad. He also have to create a colour coding system to ensure that his dad know which medication to mix. However, we decided not to let him handle the anti-convulsant drugs, as a mis-dose could have serious implications.

Dez had a spiritual attack in the afternoon and prayed for the Lord for guidance. He randomly flipped to a page in the Bible, and the Lord's answer for him was Ecclesiastes 1:1. He was dumbfolded by the answer, as the Lord didn't give him encouragement, but instead point out to him the priority of things. He will make God his first priority and seek to cultivate the divine relationship.

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