Saturday, February 13, 2010

13 Feb 10

13 Feb 10

Throughout our stay, Charlene keep showing her displeasure (through soft cries) when the pacifier was not given to her or when the diaper is wet. She keeps sucking on the pacifier, which is a good sign, as the Sister noted that her sucking coordination has improved.

Even though Charlene was tired, she just didn’t want to sleep. I decided that I should leave the room to left Charlene sleep. True enough, the nurse said that she dozed off after I left the room.

It’s so good for us that Charlene is expressing her needs through cries, and that she’s aware of our presence and sleep when we leave the room.  Praise God for this display of Charlene learning ability!

1 comment:

  1. Happy lunar new year to Charlene .. She is lovely and I will keep her in my prayers  she looks so adorable holding her AP too :)
