27 Jan 10
Dr Gomez (senior consultant i/c of Charlene for the month) spoke to us today to give us an overview cum update of Charlene’s condition. He was very patient and gave a very detailed explanation of Charlene’s condition. He said that Charlene’s super-frown is a classic Sandifer’s syndrome and is not associated with seizures. Also, Charlene’s heart rate plunged without the O2 dropping. For seizures, the O2 will plunge first, then causing the brain to shut down which consequently cause the heart rate to drop. So as the order of events is reversed, Charlene’s super-frown is unlikely to be seizure-related.
Thank God for sending Dr Gomez to explain this to us! I’m now very certain that Charlene’s super-frown is not seizures-related. Also, we thank God that the KK hospital was competent enough to diagnose the Sandifer syndrome correctly. It would be easy for them to diagnose her super frown as seizures which would have delayed the reflux treatment. Also, we are glad that the super-frown first happened in the hospital because the monitoring device is the key for correct diagnosis. Thank the Lord for his grace in arranging the treatment process of Charlene.
Before Dez started his fast, I told him to pray to God following the principle of ACTS – Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication.
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