30 Oct 09
I was discharged today. After reaching home, my family called Dez to go back to the hospital. Without going into the details, Dez had a disagreement with them. After which, Dez visited Charlene and accepted Jesus Christ into his life. The gist of the impromptu vows were:-
“Lord, You have touched my heart with Your grace and mercy. Though I have known you through all the books I’ve read, I’ve never wanted to convert. But the experience of Your touch (last night) has moved me more than all the knowledge about You. I will open my heart to You, and invite You into my life; please guide me in all aspects of my life. Regardless of Your plans for Charlene, be it that she is restored fully, be it that she become a disabled kid, or be it that she perished, Lord, my faith in You will not change, because Lord, after knowing Your grace, nothing can come close to Your presence.
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